Heading for new shores! LeakControl wins a new distribution partner in Australia and New Zealand
The RBS wave gained a new partner for their product LeakControl:
Water Group is a consulting firm, which deals mainly with issues of water use in the municipal sector (utilities, municipalities) and in the area of trade and industry. Because of the scarce water resources in Australia, the expertise of WaterGroup with modern solutions in the field of optimization of consumption, loss control and smart metering is in high demand.
Water Group wants to expand its activities in the Water Loss Management and to establish the system LeakControl amongst water utilities in Australia and New Zealand. The signing of the distribution agreement was held on September, 19 with the representatives of the RBS wave, Mr. Kober (Managing Director) and Mr. Deiss (Head of Operations) and the Managing Director of the Water Group, Mr Hauber-Davidson, in Stuttgart.
LeakControl is an ultrasonic flow measuring system which has been developed for long term monitoring of a pipe section in a network (DMA – District Metering Areas).
from the left: Erwin Kober, Guenter Hauber-Davidson and Rainer Deiss